Little Red Riding Hood - English Short Story for Kids

Little Red Riding Hood - English Short Story for Kids

Little Red Riding Hood Short Story with Pictures and PDF
Little Red Riding Hood Story

Little Red Riding Hood set out from her home to visit her sick grandmother, who lived in a forest. Her mother had warned her not to talk to strangers. 
Red Riding Hood - English Kids Story

While on her way, she encountered a wolf who asked her, "Where are you going?"Little Red Riding Hood, unaware of the danger, told him she was going to visit her grandmother.
Little Red Riding Hood Short Stories for Children

The wicked wolf rushed ahead and reached her grandmother's house before she did.
Fairy Tales Stories - Little Red Riding Hood

He pretended to be Little Red Riding Hood and tricked the grandmother into opening the door. Once inside, he pushed the grandmother into a cupboard and locked it. Then, he disguised himself as her grandmother and waited for Little Red Riding Hood to arrive.
Little Red Riding Hood Kids Stories

As soon as she entered the house, the wolf leaped at her.
Red Riding Hood Children's Stories

She screamed as loudly as she could and ran away. In panic, she discovered a door at the back of the room and opened the cupboard near it. Inside, she found her real grandmother. Little Red Riding Hood unlocked the cupboard, freed her grandmother, and they escaped out the front door together.
Little Red Riding Hood - Short Story with a picture

 After this frightening experience, Little Red Riding Hood promised never to speak to strangers again.

You can also download this Little Red Riding Hood Story as a PDF.

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