The Monkey and The Cap Seller - Short Story for Kids

The Monkey and The Cap Seller - Short Story for Kids

The Monkey and The Cap Seller - Short Story for Kids
The Monkey and The Cap Seller Story
Once there was a cap-seller who sold beautiful caps. One hot day the cap-seller was going to sell his caps in a village market. He has to cross the forest to reach the village. 
Short Stories for Kids
He was carrying a basket full of red caps on his head and going through a forest. As it was a hot day, he got tired in the heat of the sun and thought of taking rest for a while. 
So, he kept his basket on the ground and slept under the tree for some time. 
The Monkey and The Cap Seller - Easy Short Stories for Kids 
There were many monkeys on that tree. 
Moral Stories for Kids
The monkeys came down one by one, took all the caps from the cap seller's basket, and then climbed on the tree. 
The Monkey and The Cap Seller - Short Story for Kids
Cap seller story with pdf download
Suddenly when the cap seller woke up, he was shocked to see his basket empty. He searched for his caps everywhere. But, to his surprise, he saw the monkeys on the tree were wearing them. 
The cap seller got very angry and sad. He had no idea how to get his caps back. When the cap seller made an angry face, to his surprise the monkeys also made the angry face. He laughed at them, the monkeys also laughed. 
He realized that the monkey was imitating him. So, he thought an idea, the cap-seller took the cap and threw it on the ground.
The Monkey and The Cap Seller Story with Pictures
Seeing him the monkeys did the same with their caps.  
The cap seller collected all the caps thrown by the monkey and put them back into his basket.
English Moral Short Stories For Kids
He went on his way back to the village happily.
Short Story for Kids

Moral Of the Story:  
  • Wisdom helps during difficult times. 
  • For every problem, there will be a solution.
Popular Quote: 
  • Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. - Charles Spurgeon
  • Every problem has a solution. You just have to be creative enough to find it. - Travis Kalanick.

You can also download this The Monkey and The Cap Seller short story in PDF.

I hope you all enjoyed the moral story The Monkey and The Cap Seller - Short Story for Kids.
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