The Lion and The Mouse ~ English Short Story for Kids

The Lion and The Mouse - English Short Story for Kids

The Lion and The Mouse Story with picture and pdf
The Lion and The Mouse Story

There lived a lion in a forest bush. Near the bush lived a mouse in a hole.
The Lion and Mouse - English Short Story

It was a hot day, and the lion was taking a rest after a long hunt. The playful mouse came out of his hole and started climbing up and down the lion. The running of the mouse tickled the lion, and he woke up.
Online Short Stories for Kids

He caught the mouse and said, "You silly fool! You disturbed my sleep. I am going to kill you".
Short Stories for Children - The Lion and The Mouse

The mouse looked at the lion's plea on his face and replied humbly. "Oh king of the forest! Please do have mercy on this small creature! I have committed a mistake. If you excuse and pardon me I will surely repay you in future". The lion was astonished by the bravery of the mouse so, he let the mouse free. Days Passed.
The Lion and The Grateful Mouse Story with pictures

Once, when the lion went for a hunt, he got trapped in a net.

He started roaring.

The mouse heard the roaring and thought, "The lion must have been trapped. I should help him".  He ran to the net and started gnawing. 
English Short Story for Kids

Soon, the net gave away, and the lion got free. They became good friends.

Moral Of the Story:
  • Never underestimate anyone.  
  • Even tiny things can be of immense help.
  • The Smallest Acts of Kindness, make the Biggest Differences in Someone's Life.
Popular Quotes:
Don't underestimate anyone, not even yourself. - Mohith Agadi
Great things are done by a series of small things brought together. - Vincent Van Gogh.

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