The Lion and The Cows - Short Story for Kids

 The Lion and The Cows - Short Story for Kids

Short Stories for Kids

Once upon a time, four cows lived in the village near the forest. They were very close friends who stayed together all day. 
The Cow and the Lion story in English

They graze the fields and roam the forest together. 

The Cows and the Lion Story with Pictures

Once the lion in the forest saw them, since then the lion tried to hunt and eat them. 
The Lion and the Cows Story PDF

When the four cows were grazing together the lion attacked them. 
The Lion and The Cows Moral Story

The cows together attacked the lion and chased him away. 
The Lion and the Cow's Moral Story in English

After a few days, the four cows quarreled among themselves and started to graze separately. 
The Lion and The Cows

The lion took advantage of this situation. When the cows were alone, the lion succeeded in hunting them down. One by one lion killed them and ate them.
Short Stories for Kids in PDF

Moral Of the Story:  
  • Unity is strength.                                                               
Popular Quotes:
  • A broom is sturdy because its strands are tightly bound - Filipino Proverbs.
  • Unity is strength. When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved - Mattie Stepanek.

You can also download this The Lion and The Cows story in PDF.

I hope you all enjoyed the moral story The Lion and The Cows Short Story for Kids.

For more Animal-based moral stories click here

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1 تعليقات

  1. Dear Team of Shrotstories4kids.... I really thankful to you all your Stories are very good and also it helps lot for kids to learn the moral values and good hebits ... Onces again Thank you 🙏🇮🇳🙏


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