Moral Stories

The Hunter and The Dove – Short Story for Kids

Dove and the Hunter Story
The Hunter and The Dove Story for Kids

The Hunter and The Dove – Short Story for Kids

Once there lived a flock of doves. They flew from place to place in search of food. 

Dove and the Hunter Story
Hunter and Dove Moral Story

One day they found some rice scattered below the banyan tree. So, the doves landed under the banyan tree and began to eat.

Dove and the Hunter Story

Suddenly a net flew over them. They were all trapped. 

Dove and the Hunter Story
The Hunter and The Dove Story with Pictures

They saw a hunter approaching them. 

Dove and the Hunter Story

The doves desperately flapped their wings to get out of the net, but they couldn’t.

Dove and the Hunter Story
The Hunter and the Dove short story

The king of doves had an idea. He asked the doves to carry the net with them and fly together. 

Dove and the Hunter Story

Each dove picked up a portion of the net and,  together they flow off carrying the net with them. 

Dove and the Hunter Story
The Hunter and The Pigeon Story PDF

The hunter looks up in astonishment. The hunter tried to catch them, but they were too fast.

Dove and the Hunter Story
The Hunter and The Dove Short Story in English

The King of doves knew a mouse that lived at the top of a hill; who could help them escape the net. The dove explained everything to the mouse. 

Dove and the Hunter Story
Short Stories for Children

The mouse was happy to help them. He nibbled off the net easily with his sharp teeth and freed all of them. 

Dove and the Hunter Story
Moral Stories for Children

The doves were very thankful for the mouse.

Dove and the Hunter Story

They thanked him and flew away.

Dove and the Hunter Story
Dove and Hunter story pdf

Moral of the Story:  

  • Unity is Strength

  • United you always win.

Popular Quotes:                                                             

  • Unity without verity is no better than conspiracy. – John Trapp

  • Unity is strength…when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. – Mattie Stepanek

You can also download this The  Hunter and The Dove story PDF.
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