Belling the Cat – Short Story for Kids

Belling the Cat Story
Belling the Cat Story

Belling the Cat – Short Story for Kids

Once there was a big warehouse, where bags of rice were stored.   Many rats were living in the warehouse. 

There was a stray cat that often came to the warehouse for his food.

Belling the Cat – Easy Short Story for Kids

The cat would silently come there without any sound and chase after the rats and eat them.

Every day that cat comes and hunts down the rats. All the rats were very frightened and decided to have a meeting.

English Moral Short Stories For Kids with Pictures

They all gathered together and started their discussion. The rats were very confused and couldn’t able to think of any solution to stop the cat. 

Belling the Cat – Short Story for Kids with Pictures

Suddenly a rat said, ” We should tie a bell around the cat’s neck”. If they tie a bell around the cat’s neck, the rats can hear the sound of the bell if the cat comes. 

Short Stories for Children with Pictures

Every rat thought that it was a great idea. But in the end, a rat asked “Who will tie the bell around the cat’s neck?”

Belling the Cat   – Online Short Story for kids

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