The Third Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor – Short Story for Kids – Wondrous Journey

Sindbad Sailor Story

The Third Voyage of Sindbad The Sailor

Origin of the Story:

Once, a poor porter named Hindbad came across a lovely mansion and envied its master. Sindbad, The sailor who was the master of the mansion, enquired about his envy and offered him wine and food to eat. Then Sindbad narrated his adventures of Seven Voyages and how he became rich to the porter and others at his mansion. Every day, Sindbad would narrate his voyage experience to Hindbad and send him home with one hundred sequins.

Before reading the Third Voyage of Sindbad, click the link below to read the previous two voyages.

1. The First Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor.
2. The Second Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor.

The Story of the Third Voyage of Sindbad:

Sindbad was too restless living a life of ease or perhaps was too greedy for yet more gold. He thought that wealth doesn’t only bring luxurious life but also respect from his friends and family. Sindbad was not content. He wanted as much gold as he could get. So, in his rashness, he stared his voyage seas once more. Sindbad joined a ship of merchants and travelled.

Third Voyage of Sindbad – Arabian Nights Stories

During his voyage, a gale blew up and tossed their boat here and there. When the storm settled, Sindbad and some crew members found themselves on an island shore. 

Third Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor Stories with Pictures

Sindbad and the others were shocked to see tribes of apes carrying spears and making mischief on land and sea. The apes wrecked their ship. But they didn’t fight them, as the apes were too numerous.

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Sindbad Short Stories for Kids with Picture

They hurried from there and landed on another island. While resting, they were woken by a minor earthquake. The ground trembled.

Third Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor Story pdf

It was a monster of a man as tall and broad as a tree with one eye. Its teeth were like boar’s tusks, its nails like lion claws, and its mouth gaped like a well. The one-eyed giant examined everyone to see who had enough fat. The captain was the fattest and gulped by the giant.

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After satisfying his stomach, the Monster lay down and fell asleep. Sindbad and others planned to escape and started to repair their ship. The Monster woke up with a terrible roar and chased them. They managed to escape from that island and landed safely on the other. Once they reached the shore, they found fresh water and fruit, but soon danger found them.

Third Voyage of Sindbad – Bedtime Stories with Pictures

Enormous snakes dropped down from a tree and charged towards them. Sindbad and others attacked the snakes with knives and rocks, but more giant snakes approached them. They ran from there and decided to build a shelter.

They began to cut down branches from the tree and built a cage around them. They managed to get some rest for the night. The next morning, they all walked towards their ship inside the wooden cage they built. They discarded the cage when they reached the shore. They saw the sail of another ship and shouted for help. The captain of the ship rescued them safely. Sindbad returned to Baghdad with so much wealth that he shared with the needy.

You may also like to read
1. The Fourth Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor Story.
2. The Fifth Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor Story.
3. The Sixth Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor Short.
4. The Seventh Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor Short Story.

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